Saturday, July 10, 2010
Recording PT:2
Here's a newer recording with an added part to the song all the equipment used is the same as the last post. It's been like a week since I did it, sorry I was lazy. This one again is uncompressed so it should start playing as soon as you finish downloading.
Download the song HERE!
and while we're at it here's some amps, haha
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Recording PT: 1
Hey all this is my first recording I'm throwing up here. You can either download from the above link or the one at the bottom of the post. It kind of reminds me of (The) MELVINS.
Find The Melvins Wikipedia Page by clicking HERE!
Anyway here's a rundown of the equipment I used to record in the exact order of my signal chain. (That means this is exactly the order the equipment goes in from guitar to pedals to amp [ex. Guitar plugs into Boss Pedal plugs into Amplifier Head plugs into Speaker Cabinet]) Included are pictures of each item. Right now these are just descriptions enough for you to understand what these things do. When I get bored enough each one will have it's own full description and review.
1. Below is a Squier Stratocaster Guitar Tuned to D (Hey I know its not a Fender but don't knock it it sounds good and its the only right-handed guitar in my house that has a new-ish set of strings on it.)
2. Below is a Boss Bass Overdrive ODB-3 (I know it says bass on the pedal. Don't freak out on me, it can be just as usable for guitar. I myself, actually find it more useful for guitar frequencies. Buzz from The Melvins seems to agree.
From Wikipedia: "Osborne primarily uses Gibson Les Paul guitars from the 1960s and 1970s played through BOSS effect pedals and variety of vintage amplifers and cabinets."
"Effects: Boss TU-2 tuner pedal, BOSS Overdrive pedal, BOSS ODB-3 Bass Overdrive pedal, Pro Co RAT Distortion")
Find Buzz's Wikipedia Page by clicking HERE!
P.S.-If you check out the gear section of his page you'll see he uses Sunn Amps from the 70's as well
3. Below is a Tech 21 VT Bass (This thing is the pedal version of almost all Ampeg SVT Amplifiers. Yeah yeah yeah, you're not supposed to use those for guitar either. Sue me!)
4. Below is a familiar friend from yesterday, a Sunn Concert Bass Amplifier & Sunn 215B Cabinet (These things are old therefore they were built to actually be good at doing what they're meant to do. Can't say the same for a lot of things coming off of assembly lines today. Anyway, what I'm driving at is that these things amplify the sounds you put through them. Unlike wussy bass amps of today's world they work good for: guitar, bass, keyboard, amplified tuba, basically WHATEVER you put through them.)
5. Below is a picture of the microphone I used to record this session. It's a Rock Band USB Mic. (It can make the recording sound a little Lo-Fi but it can be used to good effect.)
6. Then the mic is plugged into the computer and the music is brought into the digital world for you lovely people out there.
Anyway you can DOWNLOAD THE TRACK by clicking HERE!
P.S.-This track is uncompressed so it should start playing as soon as it is finished downloading.
Hey all this is my first recording I'm throwing up here. You can either download from the above link or the one at the bottom of the post. It kind of reminds me of (The) MELVINS.
Find The Melvins Wikipedia Page by clicking HERE!
Anyway here's a rundown of the equipment I used to record in the exact order of my signal chain. (That means this is exactly the order the equipment goes in from guitar to pedals to amp [ex. Guitar plugs into Boss Pedal plugs into Amplifier Head plugs into Speaker Cabinet]) Included are pictures of each item. Right now these are just descriptions enough for you to understand what these things do. When I get bored enough each one will have it's own full description and review.
1. Below is a Squier Stratocaster Guitar Tuned to D (Hey I know its not a Fender but don't knock it it sounds good and its the only right-handed guitar in my house that has a new-ish set of strings on it.)
2. Below is a Boss Bass Overdrive ODB-3 (I know it says bass on the pedal. Don't freak out on me, it can be just as usable for guitar. I myself, actually find it more useful for guitar frequencies. Buzz from The Melvins seems to agree.
From Wikipedia: "Osborne primarily uses Gibson Les Paul guitars from the 1960s and 1970s played through BOSS effect pedals and variety of vintage amplifers and cabinets."
"Effects: Boss TU-2 tuner pedal, BOSS Overdrive pedal, BOSS ODB-3 Bass Overdrive pedal, Pro Co RAT Distortion")
Find Buzz's Wikipedia Page by clicking HERE!
P.S.-If you check out the gear section of his page you'll see he uses Sunn Amps from the 70's as well
3. Below is a Tech 21 VT Bass (This thing is the pedal version of almost all Ampeg SVT Amplifiers. Yeah yeah yeah, you're not supposed to use those for guitar either. Sue me!)
4. Below is a familiar friend from yesterday, a Sunn Concert Bass Amplifier & Sunn 215B Cabinet (These things are old therefore they were built to actually be good at doing what they're meant to do. Can't say the same for a lot of things coming off of assembly lines today. Anyway, what I'm driving at is that these things amplify the sounds you put through them. Unlike wussy bass amps of today's world they work good for: guitar, bass, keyboard, amplified tuba, basically WHATEVER you put through them.)
5. Below is a picture of the microphone I used to record this session. It's a Rock Band USB Mic. (It can make the recording sound a little Lo-Fi but it can be used to good effect.)
6. Then the mic is plugged into the computer and the music is brought into the digital world for you lovely people out there.
Anyway you can DOWNLOAD THE TRACK by clicking HERE!
P.S.-This track is uncompressed so it should start playing as soon as it is finished downloading.
Concert Bass,
Tech 21,
VT Bass
Friday, July 2, 2010
Sunn Concert Bass & 215B Stack Pt.1: The Abridged Version

This here is the Sunn Amp stack I promised to deliver on. I'll be giving a more in depth to you all on it shorltly but for now heres the short and curly's on it. It is a Sunn Concert Bass Amp & 215 B Cab. So far as I know right now about dating is its from the 70's but that statement alone makes it at least 6 years older than I am. It has 2 15" JBL speakers and the amplifier head is a Mos-Fet/Solid State design. This thing sounds great for guitar or bass. It KICKS!
I'll try and upload some music for you all when I get home today. Tune in sometime after 6:00 PM Eastern Time.
-The Grim One
First Post: Mission Statement 7/2/2010 10:35 AM
Hello all, it's the Grim One here to tell you basically what my blog will be all about. It will most definitely, more often than not, contain something of value to you if you enjoy music to the degree in which I do. I'm interested in almost anything that makes music so you can expect to see a healthy dose of photography dealing with instruments and amplifiers, Whether they're my own or something that I just think is cool. I'll sometimes include reviews complete with +'s & -'s, as well as sound clips to give people an idea of the way some things sound and maybe even help a few people in their search for some sweet music gear.
I'll also post updates of recordings of my own or bands that I'm involved with from time to time as well as music from my own collection, which I enjoy or think is pertanent to whatever it is I may be posting about to share with you all. Anyway, I hope to hear from you all in the future If you find something interesting don't hesitate to shoot me a question or engage me in a conversation.
I'll be following this post up with a small dose of the music gear photography, though this will be an abridged version of some things to come as it will not offer a review at this time. Just to keep you people from licking your chops too much. The following post will be my newest aquired piece of gear, a Sunn amp stack from the 70's. Thanks for reading.
I'll also post updates of recordings of my own or bands that I'm involved with from time to time as well as music from my own collection, which I enjoy or think is pertanent to whatever it is I may be posting about to share with you all. Anyway, I hope to hear from you all in the future If you find something interesting don't hesitate to shoot me a question or engage me in a conversation.
I'll be following this post up with a small dose of the music gear photography, though this will be an abridged version of some things to come as it will not offer a review at this time. Just to keep you people from licking your chops too much. The following post will be my newest aquired piece of gear, a Sunn amp stack from the 70's. Thanks for reading.
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